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Challenge Title: Subject: 3/7, code 19, sects, resolving disputes and unity among people (A must read)  

3/7 He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive(muhkamaat), they are the basis(ummu) of the Book, and others are mutashabihat; then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is ambiguous(-mu-tashabih), seeking to mislead/discord and seeking (to give it their own?) interpretation. But none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord; and none do mind except those having understanding

Key words: *Muhkamaat* verses-perfected/tighteneed/clear/firm/well-established/precise/straight/unambiguous/decisive verses

God says for them in 3/7 "they are ummu of the book".

"ummu" stands for mother/origin/source/prototype/basis...

(interesting -one scholar say that Ummu in arabic means "the thing to which another thing returns, in which it takes refuge, that is why the mother is called ummu")

*Mutashabihat* verses-looking like/ /resembling/ambiguous/undecisive/vague/obscure/unclear/allegoricall? ( I am not quite sure about this last meaning -allegorical)

God adds that those in whose hearts is perversity FOLLOW WHAT IS AMBIGUOUS/resembling seeking for fitna/disorder and seeking (their?) interpretation ...

And then he adds that none knows its(Quran`s or mutashabihaat`s) interpretation/meaning except God...

In my opinion then comes full stop, and then God continues by saying that those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge say :we believe in it, all of it is from our Lord...

Not that i believe that those who are rooted in the knowledge can not grasp the message/meaning of mutashabihaat verses, ON CONTRARY, imo they CAN GRASP IT, BUT, ONLY by looking at it, and trying to understand it IN THE LIGHT OF MUHKAMAAT verses-which are BASIS/SOURCE of the book...

It is just that the emphasis in the verse is on the fact that its(qurans or mutashabihaat`s) correct meaning comes ONLY through God(which is one of the main messeage of Quran), that is,through His Book(His book represent His judgement and His opinion - Quran explains Quran),that is, the correct meaning of Quran or mutashabehaat/ambiguous verses should and could be established ONLY through/using muhkamaat - precise verses... In short,Quran explains Quran,this is amazing facet of this consistent book, and, GOD is Teacher of Quran, and subjective interpretations are not allowed.

What is ambiguous at one place is claryfied at another place through using more precise words or verses.

Otherwise, it would be conjecturing and abusing and creating disorder as decribed in 3/7 - those in whose hearts is perversity follow that which is ambiguous...

It is well known fact that all sects (ab)use mutashabihat verses interpreting it in isolation of other (precise)verses and giving to it their subjective interpretation inventing and justifying their unquranic doctrines...

That is the whole point of 3/7.... muhkamaat verses are basis/source of the book and mutashabihat verses(instead being interpreted in the light of muhkamaat) are (ab)used from those whose heart waver from the path for creating discord/mischief and for seeking for interpretations, in order to give an unquranic picture to Quran and to justify their desires,that is, to extricate some unquranic and undecent doctrine from Quran, hidding behind alleged following of Quran WHILE, IN FACT,THEY are following and dwelling upon mutashabihahat verses...which do not represent prototypes/basis/source of the book...

Any doctrine, teaching, attitude, opinion or whatever - if it has no support in muhkamaat verses, then, mutashabihaat verses alone are not enough, and it can not be said that it has its basis and support in the book, cause only muhkamaat verses are source of the book(represent position/judgement of the book) and mutashabihaat verses should be interpreted in the other way -in line with muhkamaat... And only if the teaching has support in muhkamaat verses,only then, can be said that Quran suports such teaching.

Imo it is NOT LOGICAL if the correctmeaning of some verses of Quran can not be grasped - as traditionaly understood, BUT IT IS ALSO ILLOGICAL to think that judgements, religion, positions,opinions and doctrines could be based only on mutashabihaat/ambiguous verses....

And it is very illogical that those who are rooted in the knowledge find out its meaning through some sort of hidden revelations, or through complicated calculations(as shias,some sunnies and some code 19 believers claim), or through some other way, other than reading and contemplating upon Quran and its muhkamaat verses...

Expression "Rooted in the knowledge" by itself says to us from where they pick up their knowledge - from the book of God(and its muhkamaat verses which reperesent the basis of the book)- which is the main source of knowledge and detail explanation for/of all things...

One can not say that this and this doctrine(for example sunnah,hadith, code 19,shia imams etc.) is based upon Quran, IF he has no support in mukhkamaat verses...which represent UMM/prototype/mother/SOURCE of the book....

Every sect, doctrine, philosophy, group, movement can find some kind of "basis" and "support" in Quran(for their opinion).

We see it daily, every sect has some verses to present as divine proof and evidence for their doctrine...

And they say:-you see, in this and this verse God says so and so... For example...

Sunnies cite verses : "obey messenger"... and say:- you see,we must obey messenger and ask:-how we will do it today when he is dead ,and answer:- of course by following his sayings in the book of his hadith-. And they cite:"they will not believe until they take YOU as judge ", and they say: you see we must judge according to hadith of the prophet...

But, when we analyse these verses in the light of other more precise - muhkamaat verses - we see that what is meant by obedience and taking the prophet as the judge is, actually, obeying to God`s laws in Quran and taking His Quran as judge...

They say that TWO revelations were given to Muhamad, citing the verses where God says that he revealed "book and wisdom"(Quran and Hadith according to THEIR INTERPRETATION), but, when muhkamaat verses are consulted, we see that ONLY ONE revelation was given to Muhamad -Al Quran.... 

And they forgot that muhkamaat verses are BASIS/SOURCE OF THE BOOK -muhkamaat represents the answer/position and judgement of the book on this, as well as, every other topic and NOT Mutashabihaat verses... Which only RESEMBLE and LOOK LIKE as an order for following/taking hadith as divine doctrine...But we see that "obey messenger" also could(and should be) interpreted in other way, other then obey book of hadith and that it is more soundfull interpretation...(when muhkamat verses are consulted, of course)

Shias point to 33/33 and expression "ahlel bayti" and many other verses- for example mutahheroon from 56/79 etc as the basis for their shia`s doctrine...

Rashad and code 19 believers cite 74/30 and 74/31 and 74/35 etc and,they use , for example, most acrobatical allegorie ever: 15/87(we gave you 7 (of) repeating(s) and the grand reading) They say: seven of repeatings/seven pairs=14 quranic initials=its gematrical values= sum of its gemetrical values=1709= the year of j -day????!!!!

(Is this any better than shia`s claim that 12 months in the year mentioned in 9/36 are actually 12 shias imams!!)

But they have no muhkamaat verses to support them ...

So, their teaching is not quranic , it is not based upon Quran cause it is not based on muhkamaat verses which reperesent SOURCE of the book...

Their teaching is "extricated" from mutashabihaat verses which, contrary to muhkamaat, ARE NOT basis/source /prototype of the book and which are clearly described as source for/of abusing of Quran from the side of those in whose hearts is waverness from the path....

Mutashabihaat verses can not be source of the book and CAN NOT represent a basis for some doctrine if there is no support in muhkamat verses...

Mutashabihat must be interpreted in harmony with muhkammaat verses...

I believe mutashabehaat can not mean allegorical as some claim, its meaning throug quran is similar, ambiguous, looking like, resembling etc but God knows the best maybe i missed something, BUT... EVEN if we accept this translation as a valid translation, even then allegorical meaning must be in line with muhkamaat verses, that is, they can not bring any new doctrine and meaning other than those already mentioned and confirmed in muhkamaat verses...

And that is why i brought question :


Why you CAN NOT cite a single muhkam verse to support code 19, Rashad, whoever die under 40 automatically goes to heaven,2280.,calculating, counting, dividing etc. stuff...

And that is why code 19 represent unuquranic teaching...

It is encouraging that you at least seem to think along the lines of truth = what has support in the Quran. No support in the Quran = not part of Islam. We fully agree. 

The verse you say is allegorical or has multiple meanings:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.

Just because we do not understand a verse, does not make it allegorical. There is a difference there. In 54:1 we read, "the moon has split". This could be perhaps more be intepreted as an allegorical verse, but we now know, since 1969, exactly what that this verse is referring to. It refers to the time man first set foot on the mon and brought back rocks from the moon. The fact that the time the module containing the rocks lifted from the moons surface 17:54:1 (hr, min, sec), is a miracle in itself, as the minute and second was predicted in the Quran. The fact that only minutes and seconds are the same regardless of where you are in the world, hours are not, adds to the awesome sign this represents!!

The verse, "Over it is nineteen" and "these letters are miracles of this scripture" were all something mankind did not yet understand, UNTIL the mathematical composition and proof of the Quran was uneviled. 

What is so evident once you have seen that the Quran is composed with the number 19 as a base, and that it is the evidence that the Quran is indeed from God and left intact, the meaning of everything else in Sura 74 also becomes very obvious. The entire Sura talks about this miracle, what it will do and how it will affect people. 

Verse No



He stubbornly refused to accept these proofs.


I will increasingly punish him.


For he reflected, then decided.


Miserable is what he decided.


Miserable indeed is what he decided.


He looked.


He frowned and whined.


Then he turned away arrogantly.


He said, "This is but clever magic!


"This is human made."


I will commit him to retribution.


What retribution!


Thorough and comprehensive.


Obvious to all the people.


Over it is nineteen.*

Can you honestly look at the following FACTS from the Quran, ignore them, and still claim to be a supporter of the Quran?!

  • The Quran is the 19th scripture revealed. 
  • The Quran consists of 114 suras, 19x6. 
  • The Quran consists of 6346 verses, or 19x334. 
  • The word "God" (Allah) occurs in the entire Quran 2698 times, 19x142. 
  • The versnumbers in which you find the word God sums up to a total of 118123, or 19x6217. 
  • The opening statement of the Quran, and in each sura except for Sura 9, which as tampered with, consists of 19 Arabic letters. 
  • The first revelation of the Quran (96:1-5), consists of 19 words exactly.
  • The meaning of the previously 'mysterious initials' are not revealed. They are connected to a count of those specific initials in each sura based on the number 19. 

no verse says that there is code 19 in Quran no verse says that 2280. is the time of j day etc.etc.

As you've seen for yourself, an entire sura is dedicated to explaining to the world about the code 19 and it's function - Sura 74. To read the entire sura, click here:

Verse No

Sura 74: The Hidden Secret


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful



O you hidden secret.*


Come out and warn.


Extol your Lord.


Purify your garment.*


Forsake what is wrong.


Be content with your lot.


Steadfastly commemorate your Lord.


Then, when the horn is blown.


That will be a difficult day.


For the disbelievers, not easy.



Let Me deal with one I created as an individual.


I provided him with lots of money.


And children to behold.


I made everything easy for him.


Yet, he is greedy for more.


He stubbornly refused to accept these proofs.


I will increasingly punish him.


For he reflected, then decided.


Miserable is what he decided.


Miserable indeed is what he decided.



He looked.


He frowned and whined.


Then he turned away arrogantly.


He said, "This is but clever magic!


"This is human made."


I will commit him to retribution.


What retribution!


Thorough and comprehensive.


Obvious to all the people.


Over it is nineteen.*



We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned their number (19) (1) to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), (3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, "What did GOD mean by this allegory?" GOD thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people.


Absolutely, (I swear) by the moon.


And the night as it passes.


And the morning as it shines.


This is one of the great miracles.*


A warning to the human race.


For those among you who wish to advance, or regress.


Every soul is trapped by its sins.


Except for those on the right.


While in Paradise, they will ask.



About the guilty.


"What brought you to this retribution?"


They will say, "We did not observe the contact prayers (Salat).


"We did not feed the poor.


"We blundered with the blunderers.


"We disbelieved in the Day of Judgment.


"Until certainty came to us now."


The intercession of the intercessors will never help them.


Why are they so averse to this reminder?


Running like zebras.



Who are fleeing from the lion!


Does each one of them want to receive the scripture personally?


Indeed, they do not fear the Hereafter.


Indeed, this is a reminder.


For those who wish to take heed.


They cannot take heed against GOD's will. He is the source of righteousness; He is the source of forgiveness.

About the end of the world, 2280. To read the full explanation of how the Quran gave us that number, please click here: http://www.submission.info/quran/appendices/appendix25.html

Though believers in the code will find some mutashabihaat verses and extricate all this stuff from it...

As well as no verse says:"Folow sunnah of Muhamad!", or : "Jesus will come back !"

and no verse says:"follow the books of hadith!" or: "take the hadith as an explanation of Quran"

and no verse says:"follow ulama!"

Though sunnies will find many mutashabihaat verses and extricate all this stuff from it...

And no verse says: "follow 12 or 6 shia imamas" or:"follow Ali" etc

But shias will find some verses which gives weak allusions on/of it, and also,they will use most ludicrous allegories to justify it, for example: 12 month in the year(9/36) =12 shia imams??!!

That is why I understand code 19 doctrine and believers in the code as nothing but a sect who dwels upon and follows mutashabihaat verses extricating from it their dooctrine and creating disorder in Quran Alone movement...

Multiple meaning verses are described as being followed by sick hearts and not as basis of book...

Allegories are the last thing that could be relied on, and the last thing that should be used in resolving things and disputes among us, and last thing upon which quranic doctrines could be based ....

Anybody could say: you see, this verse is not what it says, but is is allegorical, it means this and this and it refers to this and this ...

Shias can say that 12 months in the year mentioned in 9/36 reffer to 12 shias imams , BUT...

Edip and his fellows and followers of code 19 can say that nineteen in 74/30 are not 19 malaikah but allegory of "code 19"- mathemathical system embedded in quran...

And saqar promised in 74/26 is not hell fire but computer and the code....

But other believers in code 19 who uphold 5 salats will say that Edip is disbeliever who decreased number of salats from 5 to 3, and that he decreased No 5 which is authenticated by Rashad and by code 19, and they say that the man who is blamed by Allah in surah 96 is not a classical agressive disbeliever who forbid to people to pray, but he represent Edip and anybody who is likeminded and who is trying to decrease No of salats from 5 to 3 or 2 ...and "forbid" to people to follow 5 salats

And they say that verses 96/9-10 reffer to decreasing No of salat from 5 to 3 or 2...

96/9 Have you seen the one who enjoins. 96.10 Others from praying?

96.011 Is it not better for him to follow the guidance?(Have you considered if he were on the right way,) 96/12 Or advocate righteousness? 96/13 Have you considered if he gives the lie to the truth and turns (his) back?

And they say that God verses 96/14-19 promised punishement for such people in the hearafter, as well as, a "scientific punishement"- a mathematico-numerical proof which proves that 5 salats are authenticated and protected by God with code 19, but which is rejected by Edip who can not recognise Gods Signs which is promised also in 41/53 and 27/93...

096.014 Does he not realize that GOD sees? 096.015 Indeed, unless he refrains, we will take him by the forelock. 096.016 A forelock that is disbelieving and sinful.

096.017 Let him then call on his helpers.

(they say that this is challenge to disbelievers in 5 salats and allegorical promise of no 19 based proof which shows that 5 salats are divine doctrine !!!???)

096.018 We will call the guardians of Hell. (you see,they say, God promises and challenges him with guardians of hell that is-19)

096.019 You shall not obey him; you shall fall prostrate and draw nearer.

(you see, they say, it says: "you shall not obey him and prostrate!", so, it is obvious that it is allegorical command to continue with 5 salats and to disobey those who pray 3 times and who are runing away from code 19 which proves that 5 salats is divine doctrine)

I hope, We all see how this is ridiculous.....But, then, how can we accept that saqar is computer or the code? And that, instead of hell fire, the code is promised in 74/26??? Isnt it also ridiculous???)

If allegories could represent the basis for the faith`s doctrines then it would resulted in a big DISCORD, everybody could take any verse and claim that it reffers to what he want to reffers, it would opened the door for an ocean of different most acrobatic interpretations without smalles chance for discovering the real meaning of verses and for avoiding confilictes and unsolvable disputes...(and we see that it indded has resulted in discord - whenever allegories and mutashabihaat are accepted as basis)

That is why muhkamaat are basis of the book(God want us united!), and no one can come and said this verse reffers to this and that, if he has no support in the basis/source of the book - precise/clear/straight/decisive muhkamaat verses...

The moment when he start to dwell upon mutashaabihat and upon different kind of implyings,and allegories, he is recognised as those in whose heart is wavernesss....

As explained above, not understanding a verse and calling it allegorical are two different things. Don't confuse the two. 

As for variations in the beliefs among those who claim to follow the Quran alone, that is inevitable. Divisive and confusing alternatives always enters the sceene after a message has been sent or renewed. This is part of the system and test. God presents His point of view, and Satan his.

Since the revelation of the mathematical miracle of the Quran, an average of 1 person a year have announced messengership based on the number 19. The one thing they ALL have in common is that they represent a variation in the original message confirmed by Rashad. They    all want to present their 'twist' of the call. Change the Salat, change the understanding of certain prohibitions, etc, etc. One thing they all have in common is that they all claim Rashad Khalifa made mistakes and are calling people to listen to them instead. Some people will be confused by this and diverted from the original and pure message. Then there are those who will take God's commandment to verify information seriously, who want sincerely to worship God alone. These will find their way to the core and pure message, despite all the falsifiers. 

The bottom line is this, the purpose of the mathematical code is not to change the religion, it is return to the original and pure religion as it was revealed to the previous prophets. Abraham was given the duties in Islam and Muhammad the scripture. The duties have all been polluted with opinions and idol worship, and the scripture are put aside while people adhere to invented religious innovations and regulations gathered in Hadith and Sunna. 

The message is to direct people to follow the Quran again and return to worshiping God alone.    

It is good to see that you in the midst of your challenges remind people to follow the straightforward verses in the Quran. The problem with Islam today is that people do not uphold the Quran. Most people who call themselves Muslim have never studied the Quran, much less read it for themselves from cover to cover. People who follow the Quran know the following; 

  • The Quran states that there are 5 Salats that should be observed at certain times, which are pointed out in the Quran (2:238, 11:114, 17:78, 24:58). 
  • God states that only the name of God should be mentioned in our worship practices (4:36, 72:18, 6:162). 
  • God states that before we make our Salat, we do 4 steps of Wudu, no more, no less (5:6, 18:27, 6:114)
  • The only dietary prohibitions decreed by God we find in verses 2:173, 5:3, 16:115: 

[2:173] He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[5:3] Prohibited for you are animals that die of themselves, blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. (Animals that die of themselves include those) strangled, struck with an object, fallen from a height, gored, attacked by a wild animal - unless you save your
animal before it dies - and animals sacrificed on altars. Also prohibited is dividing the meat through a game of chance; this is an abomination. Today, the disbelievers have given up concerning (the eradication of) your religion; do not fear them and fear Me instead. Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. If one is

[16:115] He only prohibits for you dead animals, blood, the meat of pigs, and food which is dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

The fat on the pigs are thus not prohibited. If God meant to prohibit it, He would have said so, as we see in the following verse:

[6:146] For those who are Jewish we prohibited animals with undivided hoofs; and of the cattle and sheep we prohibited the fat, except that which is carried on their backs, or in the viscera, or mixed with bones. That was a retribution for their transgressions, and we are truthful.

God is the only source of knowledge and verses of quran are to be interpreted in the light of other verses...No one know it`s meaning except God... Interesting questions for/to believers in code 19:

-Isnt Quran fully detailed Book?

No one knows it's meaning except God and those well founded in knowledge.... Those well founded in knowledge will be able to direct you to the source of that knowledge in the Quran. 

[6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.

[16:89] The day will come when we will raise from every community a witness from among them, and bring you as the witness of these people. We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters.

[44:4] In it (the scripture), every matter of wisdom is clarified.

[16:43] We did not send before you except men whom we inspired. Ask those who know the scripture, if you do not know.

[2:121] Those who received the scripture, and know it as it should be known, will believe in this. As for those who disbelieve, they are the losers.

-Does God run out of words?

Are you asking us or yourself? Or are you suggesting that limiting what we should follow is limiting God's words? What is the message about us you wish to convey with this question?

God, the Almighty, never runs out of words. His revelations to us are exact, as is everything He does. 

[54:49] Everything we created is precisely measured.

[18:109] Say, "If the ocean were ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would run out, before the words of my Lord run out, even if we double the ink supply."

-Where Quran says that there is code 19 embeded in it?

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.

-Where Quran says that 19 is a Sign?

[74:35] This is one of the great miracles.

-Where Quran says that Judgement day will happen in the year 2280.?


[43:61] He is to serve as a marker for knowing the end of the world, so you can no longer harbor any doubt about it. You shall follow Me; this is the right path.

Foot note : *43:61 As detailed in Appendix 25, the End of the World is given in the Quran, and the birthdate of Jesus provided one of the significant signs that the calculations are correct. We learn that the world will end in the year 2280 (19x120) after the birth of Jesus (see 47:18). Additionally, both the lunar year (1710) & the solar year (2280) are divisible by 570 (19x30), the number of years from the birth of Jesus to the birth of Muhammad. Thus, the birthdate of Jesus is a marker.

[20:15] "The Hour (end of the world) is surely coming; I will keep it almost hidden, for each soul must be paid for its works.

-Where Quran says that Gog and Magog will be freed in 1700. after hijrah?


When he reached the far west, he found the sun setting in a vast ocean, and found people there. We said, "O Zul-Qarnain, you can rule as you wish; either punish, or be kind to them."


He said, "As for those who transgress, we will punish them; then, when they return to their Lord, He will commit them to more retribution.


"As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they receive a good reward; we will treat them kindly."


Then he pursued another way.


When he reached the far east, he found the sun rising on people who had nothing to shelter them from it.



Naturally, we were fully aware of everything he found out.


He then pursued another way.


When he reached the valley between two palisades, he found people whose language was barely understandable.


They said, "O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog are corruptors of the earth. Can we pay you to create a barrier between us and them?"


He said, "My Lord has given me great bounties. If you cooperate with me, I will build a dam between you and them.


"Bring to me masses of iron." Once he filled the gap between the two palisades, he said, "Blow." Once it was red hot, he said, "Help me pour tar on top of it."


Thus, they could not climb it, nor could they bore holes in it.


He said, "This is mercy from my Lord. When the prophecy of my Lord comes to pass, He will cause the dam to crumble. The prophecy of my Lord is truth."


At that time, we will let them invade with one another, then the horn will be blown, and we will summon them all together.


We will present Hell, on that day, to the disbelievers.

*18:94-98 One of my duties as God's Messenger of the Covenant is to state that Gog and Magog, the final sign before the end of the world, will reappear in 2270 AD (1700 AH), just 10 years before the end. Note that Gog and Magog occur in Suras 18 and 21, precisely 17 verses
before the end of each sura, representing 17 lunar centuries (see 72:27 and Appendix 25).

-Where Quran says that whoever dies under the age of 40 automatically(no matter if he was disbeliever) goes in Heaven?

Every one in Hell will fulfill the following description, of having been given a life-long chance with continuous reminders:

[35:37] They will scream therein, "Our Lord, if you get us out of here, we will work righteousness, instead of the works we used to do." Did we not give you a life-long chance, with continuous reminders for those who would take heed? Did you not receive the warner? Therefore, taste
(the consequences). The transgressors will have no one to help them.

The ONLY age in both the Bible and the Quran talking about man reaching maturity, is the age of 40. 

If you do not agree with this then what is the age of responsibility, as you understand it according to the scripure? 5? 10? 15? 20? 25? 30? 35?

-Where, in Quran, God ordered that words of Quran and its letters should be counted?

[10:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are the proofs of this book of wisdom.

[12:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are proofs of this profound scripture.

[13:1] A. L. M. R. These (letters) are proofs of this scripture. What is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe.

[15:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are proofs of this scripture; a profound Quran.

[26:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this clarifying scripture.

[27:1] T. S. These (letters) constitute proofs of the Quran; a profound scripture.

[28:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this profound book.

[31:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this book of wisdom.

[21:2] When a proof comes to them from their Lord, that is new, they listen to it heedlessly.

[34:43] When our proofs were recited to them, perfectly clear, they said, "This is simply a man who wants to divert you from the way your parents are worshiping." They also said, "These are fabricated lies." Those who disbelieved also said about the truth that came to them, "This is obviously magic."

[10:38] If they say, "He fabricated it," say, "Then produce one sura like these, and invite whomever you wish, other than GOD, if you are truthful."

[10:39] Indeed, they have rejected this without studying and examining it, and before understanding it. Thus did those before them disbelieve. Therefore, note the consequences for the transgressors.

-Where, in Quran, God said that anything and everything in Quran should be counted and divided by 19?

Please read comments above and entire Sura 74. 

If you would have been a Christian at the time of prophet Muhammad you would have rejected him based on your logic above. You would have said, "Where in the Bible does it say that we should follow a man name Muhammad?" You also would not have accompanied Moses across the red sea. You would have said, "Where does it say that we have to follow you to Israel?"

God has NEVER in detail explained in what way or format He will reveal His proofs beforehand. Can you think of even one example where He has? 

-Where Quran says that Rashad Khalifa is(or will be) messenger of God?

For very good reasons God keeps certain information hidden in the scriptures. Imagine if the Bible would have stated that there will be a prophet coming whose name would be Muhammad? Every single parent would have named their child Muhammad. In the same way God did not say that the Messenger of the Covenant's name will be Rashad Khalifa, as millions of kids around the world would be named Rashad Khalifa. Instead God coded his name into the Quran, only to be seen after the fact as a confirmation of his mission. That is why the root word for Rashad's name, Rashada, is mentioned in the Quran exactly 19 times. 

Rashad Khalifa's name is embedded in the Quran appropriately through mathematics. To see the details of that, please read the following articles: 



-Where Quran says that, after revelation of Quran, God will send a Rashad Khalifa to make clear and explain some of His verses?

Please read verses 3:81 and 33:7. 



-Where Quran says that we will find some divinely inspired explanation`s of its verses in the book called appendicess of Rashad Khalifa`s (Authorised!?) translation of Quran?

See comments above. 

There is nothing in those Appendixes that is not based on the Quran. That is proof in itself. And that should be proof enough for you too, as you should know that no one except someone who is a sincere believer are allowed access to the Quran (56:79).  

-Can you answer to any of these questions above with a clear, straightforward and unambiguos verse of Quran?

Already done.  

-Isnt Quran fully detailed book?

Absolutely is. This is why everything we attribute to God and our religion should be measured against it. 

[10:37] This Quran could not possibly be authored by other than GOD. It confirms all previous messages, and provides a fully detailed scripture. It is infallible, for it comes from the Lord of the

[16:89] The day will come when we will raise from every community a witness from among them, and bring you as the witness of these people. We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters.

-Why is it so hard to find a SINGLE clear verse in Quran to support theory of code 19?

It is not. 

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.

This, as the Sura indicates, was the Hidden Secret, destined to be hidden for exactly 1406 years, or 19x74, and revealed in 1974, by a messenger born on the 19th of November, the 323rd day of the year, which is 19x17. 

Who, except God, can coordinate such 'coincidences'?

-Why do you have to relie upon ambiguous verses while defending code 19 and messengership of Rashad Khalifa?(3/7)

You may see this as ambigious. Those who recognize the clear Quranic mathematical facts surrounding this miracle find nothing ambigious about it, quite the opposite. Opinions are ambigious, facts are not. 

Do not make the mistake of calling things you personally do not understand 'ambigious'. Instead, pray, "My Lord, increase my knowledge" (20:114). 

-Did you forget that muhkamat/straightforward verses are basis/source of the book?

Thank God, we didn't. 

Now that you've gone to great lengths to make your opinions about those who follow the Quran alone public, please point out to us, using the Quran, even one aspect of the way we practice our religion which is un-Quranic?

We know you cannot. 

-Did you forget that only those whose hearts tend to wawer follow and dwell on ambiguous verses?

The misrepresentation of 74:30 being an allegorical verse is adressed above as well. To add to the discussion, here is some more information though. First an explanation of what an allegorical verse is:

al·le·go·ry   Audio pronunciation of "allegory" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (l-gôr, -gr)
n. pl. al·le·go·ries

    1. The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.
    2. A story, picture, or play employing such representation. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories.
  2. A symbolic representation: The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.


n 1: a short moral story (often with animal characters) [syn: fable, parable, apologue] 2: a visible symbol representing an abstract idea [syn: emblem] 3: an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor

Here are some verses God claim contain allegories:

[13:35] The allegory of Heaven, which is promised for the righteous, is flowing streams, inexhaustible provisions, and cool shade. Such is the destiny for those who observe righteousness, while the destiny for the disbelievers is Hell.

[14:18] The allegory of those who disbelieve in their Lord: their works are like ashes in a violent wind, on a stormy day. They gain nothing from whatever they earn; such is the farthest straying.

[24:35] GOD is the light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree, that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. GOD guides to His light whoever wills (to be guided). GOD thus cites the parables for the people. GOD is fully aware of all things.

[24:40] Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever GOD deprives of light, will have no light.

[29:41] The allegory of those who accept other masters beside GOD is that of the spider and her home; the flimsiest of all homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.

[47:15] The allegory of Paradise that is promised for the righteous is this: it has rivers of unpolluted water, and rivers of fresh milk, and rivers of wine - delicious for the drinkers - and rivers of strained honey. They have all kinds of fruits therein, and forgiveness from their Lord. (Are they better) or those who abide forever in the hellfire, and drink hellish water that tears up their intestines?

Compare this with verse 74:30:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.

-Have you check all the counts and calculations, that you consider miraculous and that you believe in, by yourself, or you relie upon hear-say?

Enough to be absolutely convinced that this could not be man-made. 

-Did you count 40.000 letters("initials" in initialed chapters), and how many times?

Enough to be absolutely convinced that this could not be man-made. 

-Did some goat eat 17/36 in your copy of Quran?

For the benefit of the reader, here is 17:36:

[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.

Are you suggesting we do not study what we claim to follow? As you've seen, for all our views we have Quranic support and we cite the verses accordingly. If you find that anything we've said as far as our religious beliefs and practices are concerned are not based on the Quran, please be specific and let us know the Quranic verses that supports your claim. 

To read about the religious duties we practice: 






-Have you ever heard about messenger of God who announced his messengership RETROACTIVELY to people as Rashad Khalifa did?

Just as with the previous prophets and messengers, Rashad Khalifa announced his messengership when the time for the announcement had come. 

With the exeption of Jesus, all prophets and messengers seem to have turned 40 before announcing their mission. All of them were guided by God and being prepared for their mission before it being known as such to the rest of the world. 

Abraham, for example, preached about worshipping God alone, even as a young man: 

[21:59] They said, "Whoever did this to our gods is really a transgressor."

[21:60] They said, "We heard a youth threaten them; he is called Abraham."

Abraham was informed about his mission much later in life, when he was a father. 

[2:124] Recall that Abraham was put to the test by his Lord, through certain commands, and he fulfilled them. (God) said, "I am appointing you an imam for the people." He said, "And also my descendants?" He said, "My covenant does not include the transgressors."

About Joseph...

[12:22] When he reached maturity, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous.

...yet he was informed as a young man of his destiny.....

[12:4] Recall that Joseph said to his father, "O my father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun, and the moon; I saw them prostrating before me."

[12:15] When they went away with him, and unanimously decided to throw him into the abyss of the well, we inspired him: "Some day, you will tell them about all this, while they have no idea."

...he preached about God long before he were commissioned to preach publicly..... 

[12:37] He said, "If any food is provided to you, I can inform you about it before you receive it. This is some of the knowledge bestowed upon me by my Lord. I have forsaken the religion of people who do not believe in GOD, and with regard to the Hereafter, they are really disbelievers.

[12:38] "And I followed instead the religion of my ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We never set up any idols beside GOD. Such is the blessing from GOD upon us and upon the people, but most people are unappreciative.

[12:39] "O my prison mates, are several gods better, or GOD alone, the One, the Supreme?

[12:40] "You do not worship beside Him except innovations that you have made up, you and your parents. GOD has never authorized such idols. All ruling belongs to GOD, and He has ruled that you shall not worship except Him. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.

[12:41] "O my prison mates, one of you will be the wine butler for his lord, while the other will be crucified - the birds will eat from his head. This settles the matter about which you have inquired."

[12:42] He then said to the one to be saved "Remember me at your lord." Thus, the devil caused him to forget his Lord, and, consequently, he remained in prison a few more years.

With the exception of Jesus, all God's prophets and messengers seem to have been above the age of forty when announcing their messengership. 

-Did you know that appendices of RK`s translation of Quran are full of errors and mathemathical properties,manipulations with counting criteria, arbitrary and selective inclusions of diferent forms of words and letters in order to fit 19-divisibility, that is, full of insignificant calculations and counts ?

The Appendices illustrate the proof to the world that Quran is God's unaltered final message to humanity. Where are all those errors and mistakes and manipulations you are talking about? Since they are so many, as you claim, why don't you list here at least some?

If there are any minor mistakes in the Appendices, and there are bound to be some as human beings were involved in putting the text together, they do not in any way affect the miracle or the message.

-Did you ever read a serious critic and (re)evaluation of Rashad Khalifa`s work(calculations,counts etc.)?

Yes, of course. And consistently, it shows the immense wisdom and mercy of God in sending a messenger to us at this time, when His religion has been corrupted beyond recognition and when they fight against the message to Worship God Alone is pervasive in all major religions -  Judaism, Christianity and Islam. When people who recite the Quranic verses are attacked by people who claim to be Muslims, then you know that something is seriously off! Rashad Khalifa was murdered because he preached the Quranic message. 

-Why do you not believe in Bible code(s)?

The Bible was actually originally coded with the same number as the Quran. This was also observed by a witness from the children of Israel - Rabbi Judah the Pious - who printed several books on the subject. 

Beyond that, the number 19 is found in the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. The fact that it takes 38 weeks, or 19x2, or 266 days, 19x14, to create a human being, is one very strong sign. 

Note: Verse 2:259, exactly verse 266 from the beginning of the Quran, speaks of the construction of a human being. The first verse in the Quran to do so. Is this a coincidence you think?

-Did you know that there are several codes embeded in Bible?

There are claims of several codes in the Bible. None of them are consistent, nor beyond human ability. God used 19 as a stamp on His creation. The original Bible is no exception. 

-Why do you not believe in hadiths of Muhammad of which many are scientifically confirmed as true?

Muhammad never uttered anything outside the Quran. So the 'hadith of Muhammad' IS the Quran. Now we have the Quran. Let's follow it. 

If there are information in Hadith that are not in the Quran, and were not information available to the people of the time of Muhammad, where are those Hadiths?

-Do you know how many sunnies increased their faith witnessing a miracle of those scientifically confirmed hadiths?

First of all, where are they? Secondly, increased their faith in what? Thirdly, how has that affected the practice of the religion preached by the Quran?

What do you mean by "scientifically proven hadiths"? Could you give some examples and back up your statements with concrete references?

-Why do you think that the sunnah and hadith which Rashad Khalifa ascribed to God, is any better from the sunnah and hadith which Bukhari & co.`s ascribed to God ?

Any narration whether it is written or spoken that can be confirmed in the Quran is good. Any narration in the collections of narrations (hadiths) attributed to Muhammad that can be verified in the Quran is fine. The same goes for any narration, book, writing, message, speech produced by Rashad. We measure everything against the Quran. If it doesn't fit with the entire Quranic message, we forget about it.